Nice to meet you.
My name is Hiroko Kusaba, President of Seiko SCM.
Seikou SCM has been in business for 53 years.
It is often said that a company goes out of business after the third generation, and I am the third generation.
I decided to renew the company’s logo, which is the company’s signature, and to reborn Morimitsu in the third generation.
We took the logo apart one by one and wrote
Write with thought, write with power! Bounce write like soaring!
But the more I wrote, the more I thought, the smaller the letters became.
But the more I thought about it, the smaller the letters became! Write more boldly and without fear.”
I wrote it hundreds of times, but every one I adopted was the first one I wrote.
With a staff of over 60 people ranging in age from teens to 70s,
I believe that challenging something new is one step closer to our dream.
With the guidance of Mr. Bizen of Ben Art, who accompanied and guided Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi’s tour title by my side,
I may not have been able to match Mr. Nagabuchi, but I put my fullest thoughts and wishes into the logo in my own way.
Thank you, Mr. Bizen, for your guidance.
Putting thought into the new logo
/ Kusaba's Voice